
House of Sport Celebrate Opening Game At Our Brand New Netball Facility

Over the weekend we hosted the first games at Cardiff City House of Sports brand-new Netball facility in HOS 3, between Wales Feathers and Uganda She Cranes. We had a huge turnout across both days and it was great to see the venue so packed out with so many new faces!

Uganda won the first and second test (47 – 56 & 46 – 64 respectively) despite Wales putting up a strong fight and it was great to see such good sportsmanship between the 2 teams at the end where they joined each other for a group photo on the court.

This newly developed venue will become the home of professional netball in Wales going forward and we proudly look forward to hosting more teams here in the future to see this sport grow from strength to strength. You will also be able to view many of these matches on channels such as S4C and Sky Sports.

A huge thank you to the House of Sport team who have been working hard to ensure this 2-day event was a success and a pleasant experience for all attendees, staff and players.

We look forward to welcoming you all back in the future for more games.

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